Abscesses are one of the most common and difficult clinical problems in rabbits.
Common conditions of pet ferrets include diarrhoea, intestinal foreign bodies, parasites, heart disease, and various kinds of cancer.
Common conditions of pet rodents include respiratory diseases, anorexia and lethargy, overgrown teeth, and tumours.
Common conditions of pet rabbits include snuffles, gut stasis, abnormal caecotrophs, parasites, dental disease, uterine cancer, and sore hocks.
A mouse's lifespan is only 18-36 months so ageing changes and natural fatal conditions such as tumours are fairly common.
A rat's lifespan is only 18-48 months so ageing changes and natural fatal conditions such as tumours are fairly common.
If you think your pet is unwell, you must take it to your veterinarian for prompt attention. ANY deviation from normal should be a cause for concern and requires immediate evaluation by your veterinarian.
Cyromazine is used to prevent blowfly strike on rabbits.
Dacryocystitis refers to infection and inflammation of the tear duct. It is a common problem in the rabbit and is often a primary reason for presentation to the veterinary hospital.
The rabbit's teeth grow continuously throughout life in order to cope with constantly grinding food. This applies to both incisors (front teeth) and molars and premolars (back teeth).