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Pet Health Library


  • Anal gland (sac) disease is very common in dogs. The sacs frequently become impacted, probably due to blocking of the ducts.

  • This tumour is a disordered and purposeless overgrowth of cells originating from the modified sweat glands of an anal sac.

  • Anorexia is a common problem in snakes but it is not a single disease – it is a sign brought on by many different causes.

  • Unfortunately anthrax has been used as a method of bio-terrorism and cats can be infected, as can most mammals.

  • Cats and dogs are attracted to the sweet taste of ethylene glycol. Many will voluntarily drink antifreeze if it is spilled or leaks on to garage floors or driveways and are more than ready to lick the product from contaminated paws and coats.

  • Having been supplied with cream, lotion or ointment to apply, there is then the problem of how to apply it! Even the most biddable dog can object violently to applications on a sensitive area.

  • This ear preparation has been supplied in order to assist in treating your pet's ear complaint. The condition is not uncommon and as mentioned there are a number of possible causes.

  • Your veterinarian will have discussed the frequency and application of the eye medication prescribed but it may be useful to have these notes as an aide mémoire.

  • Arthritis is a complex condition involving inflammation of joints. There are many causes but in general the degree of arthritis is directly related to the age of the animal.

  • Atopy was once thought to be caused by an inhaled allergen to which the dog's immune system over reacts. However, although the cause of atopy is still unknown, it is most likely due to contact of the allergic particles directly on the skin.