Pet Health Library
Middle aged dogs often suffer severe dental problems which frequently cause them considerable pain and discomfort.
Colostrum is the antibody-rich milk produced from the mother's mammary glands during the first few days of life. It contains a thousands of antibodies (immunoglobulins), lactoferrin, growth hormone, growth factors, white blood cells, enzymes, vitamins and substances that regulate the body's immune response.
The most common dental problem with dogs is not decay (caries) as with us but periodontal disease. It occurs in over 85% of dogs over the age of three.
An epulis is a benign oral tumour that affects the gum. It arises from the periodontal ligament which lines the tooth cavity and surrounds the tooth.
Other names include Acral lick dermatitis, and Acropruritic nodule etc. The problem starts with an area of hair loss and reddened skin due to licking.
Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. It is used to treat infections such as gingivitis, wound infections, and giardiasis.
Oral hygiene preparations include dentifrice, toothpaste and dental paste or solution. Most contain an inorganic abrasive and chlorhexidine. These products are used to prevent dental plaque and gum disease.
An epulis (plural epuli) is the clinical name for a swelling on the gums. Several different tumours share this name, often of different origins including the tooth-socket lining and lining epithelium of the mouth.
Oral fibrosarcomas are rapidly growing, malignant tumours originating from the fibrous connective tissue of the mouth. The tumours are rarely cured by surgical removal.
Oral melanoma (malignant melanoma or melanosarcoma) is a tumour of melanin pigment producing cells (melanocytes). The cancers are rapidly growing and unfortunately are rarely completely cured by surgical removal.